Rather than trying to explain it myself, I'd rather turn you all to the source of the Information:
The Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA)
The site is quite professionally designed, though usability (navigation and general interaction) might be a little arcane...
The following questions will be answered, as well as hundreds of other less popular questions:
- What type of Business can I set up in Saudi Arabia?
- How much money will it take to get everything set up?
- What can I do with my Residency Permit (Iqaamah)?
- Can I buy land in Saudi Arabia?
- How long does the Residency Permit (Iqaamah) last?
- Will I be free to do business in other fields?
- Can I do business in the Petro-Chemical Field?
- Decide whether you'd like to move ahead and start your business.
- Once you have made your decision, make Istikhaarah, asking Allaah if your decision is better for you and to make it come through if it is
- Drop me an e-mail to start your paperwork with an agent
There are many advances in this industry right now, but I would advise those Brothers and Sisters that want to make Hijrah to Saudi Arabia not to hesitate since laws do tend to change based on constant discussion and observation of their effectiveness.
May Allah make it easy for everybody to make Hijrah to the Land of the Two Holy Mosques (al-Haramain), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia